Power diodes are designed to clamp surge voltages caused by electromagnetic components and perform uni-directional blocking of the flow of current in a circuit. These diodes are available in circuit board style or mini fuse style, which connects to mini fuse holders.
Automotive diodes can be placed in a circuit to block voltage spikes in air conditioning fan motors, power window motors, clutch coils and starter motors.
Power diodes are designed to clamp surge voltages caused by electromagnetic components and perform uni-directional blocking of the flow of current in a circuit. These diodes are available in circuit board style or mini fuse style, which connects to mini fuse holders.
Automotive diodes can be placed in a circuit to block voltage spikes in air conditioning fan motors, power window motors, clutch coils and starter motors.
Qty | Ea. Price | Ext. Price |
1 | $17.1000 | $17.10 |
10 | $15.4000 | $154.00 |
50 | $14.1500 | $707.50 |
Qty | Ea. Price | Ext. Price |
1 | $17.1000 | $17.10 |
10 | $15.4000 | $154.00 |
50 | $14.1500 | $707.50 |